What Is The Point, DC Comics?

Could Superman be gay?

Honchos at Superman's comic book home, DC Comics, said this weekend that one of their most identifiable (but as of yet unnamed) straight characters will soon be coming out of the closet, according to a report.

At the Kapow Comic Convention held last weekend in London, DC co-publisher Dan DiDio said the publisher would be reintroducing a previously existing character who would now be “one of our most prominent gay characters," the website BleedingCool.com reports.

Didio said DC's position had shifted on the subject since he said in an interview last year that any homosexual characters would be new introductions, and that none of their existing characters' sexual orientations would shift.

DC vice president Bob Wayne likened DC's change in tune to President Obama's shift on gay marriage, explaining that DC's policy “has evolved,” the report says.

"Oh Lois. He only wants the one thing you haven't got."

What is gayer than wearing a cape with boots over a skin tight bodysuit? I thought everyone in comic book universes were asexual. They also never went to the toilet, or slept, or ate, or just took a moment to reason with someone before everything gets violent. But what do you expect from a bunch of drag queens?

How will this suddenly OUT character act any differently than they already had? Will there no longer be group showers held in the Justice League's Watchtower? Will this character get caught staring at the Flash's bum during brunch and then have to spend the rest of the day avoiding running into the speedster? Is this what action/adventure storytelling has become?

It's like the kid in your Jr high class who you find out came out as gay as an adult - and it doesn't surprise you one damn bit because you always knew the truth anyways and it MADE NO DIFFERENCE.

This just seems like another bad decision made at DC to garner attention for themselves. I wish their comics were good enough to gather that notice but they just aren't these days. It must kill them to see the success of Marvel's Avengers and know that they have no idea how to make their own live action Justice League film.

Why is everyone assuming it will be a male character? Why can't we have a female character stand up and declare her love for both Catwoman AND her pussy? I certainly have done that enough times over the years.

Way to jump on a controversial bandwagon about 20 years too late to make any real impact. Thanks for your cynical exploitation of acceptance. Now fuck off, DC Comics.

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